Portrait Name Research Areas E-Mail
Bayesian Deep Learning, Variational Inference philipp dahlinger does-not-exist.kit edu
Computer Vision, Imitation Learning, Robot Grasping nicolas schreiber does-not-exist.kit edu
Deep Probabilistic Models, Imitation Learning, Movement Primitives ge li does-not-exist.kit edu
Geometric Deep Learning, Imitation Learning, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning niklas freymuth does-not-exist.kit edu
Geometric Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning tai hoang does-not-exist.kit edu
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning, Versatile Skill Leaning celik does-not-exist.kit edu
Human-robot Interaction, Imitation Learning, Learning from Human Feedback Aleksandar Taranovic does-not-exist.kit edu
Imitation Learning, Human-Robot Interaction, Robot Grasping xinkai jiang does-not-exist.kit edu
Imitation Learning, Offline Reinforcement Learning xiaogang jia does-not-exist.partner kit edu
Model-Based Reinforcement Learning, Trust-Region Reinforcement Learning, Variational Inference philipp becker does-not-exist.kit edu
Reinforcement Learning balazs gyenes does-not-exist.kit edu
Variational Inference, (Hierarchical) Latent Variable Models, Multimodal Density Estimation, Mixture Models, Diffusion Models denis blessing does-not-exist.kit edu
Associated PhDs
Portrait Name Research Areas Group E-Mail
Huy Le
Deformable Object Manipulation, Geometric Deep Learning, and Reinforcement Learning Bosch Research baohuy le bosch com
Computer Networking, Geometric Deep Learning, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning SAP Walldorf andreas boltres com
Computer Networking, Deep Probabilistic Models SAP Walldorf saleh gholam zadeh com
Transfer Learning, Computer Vision, Robot Grasping Bosch Renningen roman freiberg com
Portrait Name Position
Postdoc, University of Edinburgh
PhD Student
Research Engineer, Bosch Research
PhD Student
Machine Learning Researcher, Microsoft Research (Cambridge)
Research Scientist, appliedAI
Research Scientist, Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence

Job Applications

Interested in PhD positions in our lab? Even if there are no official openings at the moment, there might be opportunities for excellent candidates. If interested, please send your details to Gerhard Neumann.

We are also always searching for good student research assistants (HiWis). Here, we are searching for people with experience in Python, PyTorch, ROS, and Unity. You will extend our libraries for robot control, simulation and reinforcement learning as well as playing around with the HoloLens 2. If interested, please contact Gerhard Neumann