Vaisakh Shaj
- Deep Probabilistic Models, Model-Based Reinforcement Learning, Multi Task Learning
- Postdoc, University of Edinburgh
- v shaj ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- vaisakh-shaj.github.io/
About me
I am a PhD Student at the ALR under the supervision of Professor Gerhard Neuamnn. I completed my masters from the Indian Institute Of Space Science and Technology in 2016. After that, I worked for two years with Intel, India. I started my PhD in 2019 at the University of Lincoln in the UK but decided to change my study location to KIT in July 2020.
My area of research is at the intersection of Robotics and Machine Learning. In particular, I am interested in learning dynamics models for the robots and the world they interact with in a data efficient and online manner. Hence topics like meta learning and incremental learning also interests me. The tools I use for this are neural networks backed by principled probabilistic theories.