Fabian Otto

  • Adenauerring 4

    Gebäude 50.21

    76131 Karlsruhe

About me

I started my PhD at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (BCAI) in November 2019. I am currently a member of the Industry-on-Campus collaboration at the University of Tübingen, where I work with the Autonomous Learning Robot group. My research interests are in deep reinforcement learning and algorithm development. In particular, I am working on novel and mathematically more principled approaches to trust region approaches. With my methods, I am also interested in introducing more stability to the training process of reinforcement learning agents, which is essential when training on physical robotic systems. Before my PhD, I completed a Bachelor's degree in Information Systems - Software Engineering at DHBW Mannheim and a Master's degree in Computer Science at TU Darmstadt.